Marjut soitti mulle lenkillä ja päätettiin mennä ihan vaan chillailemaan aurinkoon kun kerrankin oli hyvä sää. Lopulta tuli niin nälkä että oli pakko mennä syömään. Mä en ole aiemmin käyny Fafa's:issa (Fafaksessa..? Fafas:sa..? Miten se kirjoitetaan?) mutta kaikki muut on kamalasti hehkuttanu paikkaa joten nyt oli pakko testata kun kerran Helsingissä ollaan. Ja oli muuten ihan sairaan hyvää!
I decided today that it's time for me to start running again. I've had kind of a break ( for a really long time now) but enough is enough. I don't especially enjoy running or going to the gym or whatever but I feel like it needs to be done so I just do it ( haha, "Just do it"- how convenient) . I guess the controlfreak inside me gets somekind of satisfaction when she can strike through one of the chores of the day.
During my run Marjut called me and we decided to meet and just chill outside in the sun since it was such a nice weather for once. Eventually we got so hungry we went to Fafa's to eat. I haven't been there before but have heard a lot of good so I wanted to test it now since I'm in Helsinki too. And yes, it's true. It was really good (no matter how suspicious the pic looks like)!
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